Short presentation

Doctor Filip Degroote graduated as Doctor in Medicine in 1978. He has a full-time classical homeopathic practice since 1980. He developed under impulse of doctor A. Pladys a first pioneer work concerning clinical and energetic examination in homeopathy, of which the findings were put in the book 'Physical Examination and Observations in the Homoeopathy' (1992). This book edition is exhausted since 2008 but still available in its electronic form via RADAR Opus. Now a much enlarged electronic revised edition is available since 2014.

Through application of this method, which is partly based on ‘applied and clinical kinesiology’, the simillimum in every patient can be confirmed.

In a second book 'Notes on miasms, heredity and remedy-interactions’ (1994) he made a difference between individual and hereditary energy in every human being. He concluded that the hereditary energy of a person shows itself in the symptom rubrics of the patient which contain Carc., Med., Syph. and Tub. Consequently those nosodal symptoms must be avoided to be taken into consideration when making a repertorisation to find the ‘individual’ homeopathic remedy of the patient.

The first part, which consists of 60 pages, has been remade totally and re-edited in 2010 under the title ‘Notes on miasms and heredity’ (B. Jain Archibel s.p.r.l.) and consists now of about 260 pages.

The crowning glory of his many years of practice is the creation of a data-base of dreams coming especially from his own practice.

Doctor Degroote has gathered in the last 30 years about 220.000 personal additions. Those additions, completed with all known repertory rubrics and additions from other authors, form the 'Dream Repertory', which is also available at RADAR Opus.
This complete dream repertory provides the magic formula to make a better analysis of each homeopathic patient and meets the need to integrate the use of dreams in daily practice.

In order to use this dream repertory in the best way the author has written a guideline book to make it the practitioner more easy to find his way in the dreamland of our patients 'Dromen vanuit homeopathisch perspectief' (2004) of which now an English electronic edition under the name 'Dreams, Materia Medica' is available at RADAR Opus since 2014.

Contact Information
Dr. Filip Degroote
Nieuwe Sint-Annadreef 5
8200 Sint-Andries

Patient entrance:
Heesterlaan 4

Telephone : +32 50 36 30 20

Email :

Filip Degroote - Medical Doctor | Filip Degroote


- Short-Presentation
- Philosophy
- Interviews
- Book Reviews - List-of-Publications
- The-Dream-as-View-into-the-Soul
- Homeopathic-Miasms-and-Heredity
- Influenza-and-Sycosis
- Available in RadarOpus
- Physical-Examination-and-Observations-in-Homoeopathy
- Notes-on-Miasms-and-Heredity
- Dromen-vanuit-homeopathisch-perspectief
- Dreams---a-Homeopathic-Perspective